You can use our Message API application with CISCO ISE.

Please follow those steps to configure it.


Importing the certificate into ISE:

First you will have to import our HTTPS certificate in CISCO ISE, you can find that information in Cisco Guide:

You can download our HTTPS certificate via any browser by going to


Configuring the SMS interface on CISCO ISE:

To configure it you should add the following parameters / data in the SMS Page:

  • Select Provider Interface Type: SMS HTTP API
  • URL:
  • Data (Url encoded portion) - please replace THE-API-KEY with the key from our portal:
        "apiKey": "THE-API-KEY",
        "to": $mobilenumber$,
        "message": $message$
  • Check the "Use HTTP POST method for data portion" box
  • HTTP POST data content type: application/json
  • HTTPS Port: 443


When the certificate and the interface have been configured you should be able to send SMS via CISCO ISE.


Note: this guide is a basis for the configuration, we do not have access to CISCO ISE, if you have issue with the configuration you can always contact our support and we will try to debug this with you.


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