Let's say you send out a message to your customers with a link to your webshop. You would like to know how many people clicked that link.
RingRing does not offer a native solution for that. However, we do have a third party workaround to achieve your goal. You could shorten your URL with the free service www.bitly.com
When you open the site, just input your link in the textbox and click "shorten".
The result will be something like http://bit.ly/2xXQ16r Copy that link and send it to your recipients.
If you want to see how many people clicked on your link, just paste this link in your browser with a "+" sign behind it, like this: http://bit.ly/2xXQ16r+ and you will see all the statistics.
Warning: this methode counts all clicks, not just unique ones. So if you send this link to 10 people and 2 people click 5 times each, you will see 10 clicks. It is also not possible to see who specifically clicked your link.