Turkey (+90)

🇹🇷 Turkey(+90)

Country Main Operators:

Operator MCC MNC Market Share
Turkcell 286 01 43%
Vodafone Turkey 286 02 31%
Avea 286 03, 04 25%

Country Specifications:

Message Encoding:
Unicode and GSM 03.38 supported. (*)
Status Report:
SenderID Regulations: Alphanumeric Senderid only. Registration mandatory.
If you do not register a SenderID, termination of all SMS towards Turkey is considered best-effort delivery. This means messages may or not deliver; this is out of our control.
Multipart Messaging: Supported.
Number Portability: Enabled.
Content Restriction: No gambling, adult, political or betting related messages allowed.
Dedicated Short Code: On request.
2 Way Communication:
On request.
Operators Limitations:
Turkcell cannot terminate SMS to their subscribers in any other roaming network so delivery to handsets roaming internationally will fail.

SenderID Registration:

To register an AlphaNumeric senderId please contact your account manager or our support.

* Note that due to the SenderID registration 5 characters will be added at the end of your message (or replace the last 5 characters of your message if you have reached the maximum length). You should adapt the length of your message to leave 5 characters available.


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