How to check the quality of your voice calls

To check the quality of your voice traffic, open "Voice Analytics".


On the top menu, go to "Quality of calls".  Here you have three options:

Notifications: Outgoing traffic

Call Center: Incoming traffic

Routing: this is deprecated and will be removed eventually, it will not be discussed further in this tutorial.





All reports are prefiltered on the last 7 days, for all applications.  You can select a specific application, for example when you created multiple Voice API Keys, to get more details.

You can also export the data to an MS Excel file.




Here you can see the percentage of calls that were picked up or not picked up


Here you can see how many calls were picked up by humans and how many were picked up by a voicemail.  


Here you can see the reasons why the call did not get picked up.


Succes / failure timeline


Here you can get a daily view on your succes / failure ratio.  This is ideal to discover trends or patterns.


Hourly overview of calls


Here you can see at what times you sent out the most calls.  If you hover over the boxes, you can see the time and the number of calls.

Hourly overview of failed calls


Here you can see at what times your calls failed (not picked up) the most  If you hover over the boxes, you can see the time and the number of calls.

Calls by country


Here you can see the amount of calls that you sent out per country.  We split the calls by Landline or Mobile.


Call Center



All reports are prefiltered on the last 7 days, for all applications.  You can select a specific application, for example when you created multiple Voice API Keys, to get more details.

You can also export the data to an MS Excel file.


Quality of calls


Here you can see the quality of incoming calls per destination number. 

ATT: Average Talk Time => the average time the calls last

AWT: Average Wait Time => the average time it takes for the call to be answered


Graphical overview


Here you can see the same information as in Quality of Calls, but in a more graphical way.  This is ideal when you are monitoring multiple agents and you can to quickly see patterns and outliers.

Call Success per destination: the percentage of calls that are being picked up by the receiver

Average Talk Time: the average time that receiver handles a call

Average Waiting Time: the average time it takes for that receiver to pick up a call


Daily stats


Here you can see the amount of calls that came in by hour.  If you hover over the box, you can see the hour and the number of calls that you received.


Daily Failure by hour


Here you can see the failure rate by the hour. If you hover over a box, you can see the hour and the amount of calls that you failed to pick up.


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